Holy Mass in Malayalam from Monday to Saturday at 6.30 am and 6.00 pm and on Sunday at 6.30 am, 8.30 am, 10.15 am & 5.00 pm - Adoration Chapel Visiting Hours - 6.00 am to 7.00 pm
Overcome the obstacle of life
Rosh Philip (Class VII)

I believe that no one’s life is perfect without any problems.

Everyone has some hurdles in their life whether they are rich or poor, famous or a normal human being. Everyone has obstacles in their life. I have observed that people give up if they even have a small problem, but what’s the point of life? We as humans should learn to overcome any obstacles of life. We should always think that there is God’s grace and protection and we can get through anything in our life. The hurdles of life may be even a fever to a severe disease, a financial crisis, losing a person important to us, and many more. We should always try to overcome any situation and move on with our life. “Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.” – says Roger Crawford who is a tennis player and a motivational speaker. He was the first Division I college athlete to compete with a disability affecting all four limbs. Crawford was born with ectrodactyly, and only has three fingers; one on his right and two on his left. Sports Illustrated has recognized Roger as "One of the most accomplished, physically challenged athletes in history!" He's also the recipient of the ITA Achievement Award, presented by the International Tennis Hall of Fame. It says that obstacles coming in our life is unavoidable but giving up is optional or it’s in our hands what we want to do about it. There will be positive and negative things in our life, all we can do is to overcome them as it’s extremely hard to avoid challenges in our life. “Worry never accomplishes anything. When you have a problem, it is best to concentrate on the solution to that problem, not the problem itself.” It is a quote by Thomas D. Willhite who is an author. So, we come in conclusion that we should overcome any obstacle in life and move on. We should remember that God has plans for everyone and He will not let us down, and there are people who support us so we should overcome everything in life.